Activities and Events

Our Ryde Baptist Church building is home to a growing number of local community activities and events, either run by ourselves or others who hire rooms. The following list summarises the activities currently on offer and organisations using Ryde Baptist Church as their Ryde base. Please contact the person responsible for more information.


Little Lambs Toddler Group – Monday Mornings 10am til 12noon. A relaxed space for babies & toddlers with their adult carers. Drink & Snack Time. Toys. Space. Time for a Story and Song. Donations towards costs appreciated. Appropriate policies & procedures in place.

Seetec use Ryde Baptist Church as a base to work and meet their clients. (Update: Seetec don’t use the building every Monday, so please check with them in advance.)

The Island Bridge Club meet every Monday afternoon. For further information telephone Julia Fauvel on 405994.


Seetec use Ryde Baptist Church as a base to work and meet their clients.

Watercolour Class. Art classes in watercolours for beginners and experienced students, every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm at the George Street Centre. For further information telephone Helen Arnold on 562146.


Seetec use Ryde Baptist Church as a base to work and meet their clients.

3rd Ryde Girls’ Brigade meet every Wednesday during School Term Times.
4-11 year olds from 6pm to 7.30pm.
11-18 year olds from 7.15pm to 9pm.
For more information contact Betty McComb on 615720 or 07725 740726.


Coffee Morning hosted by Ron and Sue, most Thursday mornings from 10am to 12 mid-day. Just drop in!

The Island Bridge Club meet every Thursday morning. For further information telephone Julia Fauvel on 405994.

Church-Based Small Group meets most Thursday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm – studying the Bible, praying together, fellowship and pastoral care, and mission. Discover what it means to be a Christian in the company of others.


Quirky Crafters meets every few weeks on a Friday morning from 10am to 12 noon. Knitting, crochet and other crafts. A social morning with craft and chat. Drop in and say hello! No meetings during August.

The Island Bridge Club meet every Friday afternoon. For further information telephone Julia Fauvel on 405994.


Girls’ Brigade Coffee Morning. Monthly at Ryde Baptist Church Dates publicised in advance.

Ryde Social Heritage Group hold their quarterly meetings at Ryde Baptist Church.


10.30am Morning Worship – communion usually on the 2nd Sunday of the month.


Various other community groups, activities and ministries use Ryde Baptist Church for their meetings, regularly or from time to time. These include Ryde Town Council, local residents associations, and a couple of health and counselling organisations – members of these organisations and their clients are aware of meeting times.

PRAYER MEETING – Monday at 7pm – this doesn’t meet in the building but online via Zoom. The access code is available for regular members of the church and congregation only.

HOME GROUPS – home-based small groups, various days, times & places. They are hosted in members’ homes and are by invitation only.